It is shown that cycle of sedimentary wave is response to each order sequence and the character of high frequency wave is correlated with oil source, reservoir and cap rock. 通过分析沉积波动周期与各级层序持续时间的对应关系,找出了高频沉积波动特征与生储盖之间的对应关系。
Intermediating between both systems for their change order numbering sequence took custom development to resolve for example. 两个系统之间的桥梁,以便为他们的编号顺序改变了定制开发来解决,例如。
Staying at home, he does thing in order, sequence and much confidence; never in a mood of absent-minded. 他居家之时不会胡思乱想,做起事来按部就班,信心十足,没有疑虑。
Not in the proper order or sequence. 未按照正当的次序或顺序地。
General term and property of fourth order Fibonacci sequence 四阶Fibonacci数列的通项及性质
The characters of the two sequence stratigraphy on theoretical basis, sequence order and sequence boundary also shows that there has great possibility theoretically on their syncretization. 对两种层序地层学理论基础、层序级次、层序界面等特征分析表明,这两种层序地层学理论上具有相互结合的可能性。
The study indicates that the regional unconformable and sedimentary transformation interfaces are the main interfaces of ⅲ-order sequence. 研究表明:区域不整合界面和沉积转换界面是级层序的主要界面;
On the fiction form, the trilogy is divided into three part disjointed again continuous, independent again unified, according to time's line development order of sequence and gradual deepening of subject. 在结构形式上,三部曲按时间的线性发展次序、主旨的逐步深化,分为似断实续、既独立又统一的三部分。
Comparing with the conventional methods of statistical relability analysis, the time consuming computational effort is reduced by the second order sequence response surface method. 这一方法与统计可靠度分析方法相比可以减少大量的计算工作量。
In a traditional economic environment, firm's internationalization has to experience a line order sequence, thereupon, international investment is generally considered to substitute or complement international trade. 在传统的国际经济环境中,企业国际化一般通过按部就班的线性次序完成,因此,关于贸易与投资关系的学术探讨大体上按照替代和互补的思路展开。
A method to analyze reliability of gravity dams using the second order sequence response surface method is described. 提出了用二次序列响应面法分析重力坝可靠度的方法。
The carry project of wartime device in the complicated environment is evaluated by the method of information entropy and fuzzy judgment, and the reasonable good and bad order of sequence to choose the project is gained. 运用熵权模糊评判的方法对战时复杂环境下的器材调运方案进行评价,得出备选方案的合理优劣次序。
The character of generalized distance of equality sequence was discussed and the expression of first order recursive sequence about it was put forward. 对广义等差数列的性质进行探讨,并提出广义等差数列的一阶递归表达式。
According to the rock association, fabrics, sedimentary facies and environment, the Tuchengzi Formation is broadly divisible in ascending order into one ⅱ-order sequence, two ⅲ-order sequences and26 ⅳ-order sequences. 根据岩石组合、组构、沉积相及环境变化等分析,本区土城子组自下而上大体可划分为1个Ⅱ级层序、2个Ⅲ级层序、26个Ⅳ级层序。
As the results of eustatic changes, the deep-water sedimentary systems with unique seismic face architecture were developed in the low-stand stages corresponding to the third order sequence. 在对应的各个三级层序的低水位发展阶段形成深水沉积体系,并具备独特的地震相组合结构。
The second order tectonic sequence is thought to be the cause of making the variations of stratum sequence resulted from the secondary tectogenesis during certain tectonic phase. 二级构造层序揭示了大的构造幕中次一级构造作用(如构造沉降)所引起的充填地层层序变化序列。
Study general term formulas of r order Fibonacci sequence and some properties and give the sum of series with coefficient is r order F-numbers and application for permutation is given. 给出r阶Fibonacci数列通项公式与性质和系数为r阶F数的级数和以及r阶F数在排列组合方面的应用。
The second second-order sequence boundary consists of transgressive and highstand systems tracts. 润滑剂及添加剂:边界润滑;第2个二级层序由海侵-高位体系域所构成。
A Method of Proving the Correctness of Hgh Order Pseudo-Random Sequence 验证高阶伪随机序列正确性的一种方法
According to the flight plan data and scheduled flight dynamic data, realizing the flight land order of sequence row and confirming the flight actual land time etc. 终端区航班动态排序系统通过对飞行计划数据和航班动念数据的综合处理,实现了航班降落次序排定和确定航班实际着陆时间等功能。
The application of third order Fibonacci sequence is also involved. 同时也涉及了三阶Fibonacci数列的运用问题。
A Study on The Spatial Processing Schema's Affection to Understanding Time Order Sequence 空间加工图式对时间先后顺序概念理解的影响研究
It consists of the industry chain inside the system and outside the system in order to sequence of formation. 按其形成的先后顺序,电影产业链可分为系统内产业链和系统外产业链。
So the fractional chaotic system has a larger key space and less likely to be replicated. ( 4) It is the first time by using digital system to produce fractional order chaotic sequence. 首次利用数字系统产生分数阶混沌序列。
Usable capability of units is defined to order the sequence of units. The probability and the importance of units are used to reduce the sampling variance. 在确定元件序列时,定义了机组可用容量,兼顾事件发生的概率和重要程度,以减小抽样方差。
Study result of third order sequence shows that the over-lap line was parallel with low stand offshore break, and offshore break belt dominated the distribution of stratigraphic over-lap reservoir. 三级层序为单元的研究表明,超覆线与低位坡折平行,坡折带控制了地层超覆的分布。
Summary is as follows: Firstly, with designers putting forward of successively and output time as a basic order of sequence, the thesis investigates and analyzes the appearance views of product design. 摘要如下:1.论文以设计师提出形态观的先后及产生的时间为基本的次序对产品设计形态观进行了研究与探索。
The concrete content includes expounds the constraints and aisle planning principles of the aisle planning for deterministic order sequence problem, establishs the mathematical model, and uses the improved genetic algorithm for solving the model. 具体内容包括阐述了确定性入库订单序列的货道规划问题中的约束和规划原则,对其建立了数学模型,并对该模型使用遗传算法进行求解。
It gives the number, by the permutation algorithm, generates all the permutations to judge which can be the in order sequence of the maximum heap, and then generates the maximum heap. 即在给定数中,通过排列组合算法,生成所有的排列,对排列进行判断,选出能够成为最大值堆中序序列的排列,运用此排列构造对应的最大值堆。
For the stable sequence industries, we select distributed lag regression model based on panel data, else we use error correction model based on panel data to analyze whose data have the same order sequence. 对于序列平稳的行业,选取基于PANELDATA的分布滞后回归模型,对于数据不平稳但都是同阶单整序列的行业,用基于PANELDATA的误差修正模型来分析。